Happy 50th Episode, everybody! I'm not sure if that's a milestone or not, when it comes to a weekly show, but it's certainly a satisfying number!

This week on the show we're joined again by our buddy Anthony Walker, who you'll probably remember from Episode 24! We have a weird conversation that starts with Bobby's penis, turns into a conversation about suicide, and then amazingly enough, comes back to Bobby's penis. Seriously. It's a really interesting conversation, and in the final minutes, we play a NEW SINGLE from Anthony called "If I Go Down." It's such a good song.

Grab the show on iTunes!

We're also available on the Stitcher smart phone app for Android/Apple!

Once you're done with the show, you'll definitely want to check out Anthony's Bandcamp Page, where you can buy his music!

Also make sure you follow us on Twitter: @WillRogers2000 @BobbyKoester @AWalkerMusic

And on Facebook. We also do a couple of YouTube shows that you should really be watching: SUBSCRIBE!

Thanks for listening guys, we love doing the show, so we hope you guys enjoy it!

Episode 51 next week!

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