There certainly was a lot of talk about this week - Hosts Carla, Drew, and Joe had their hands full with the last tidbits from Arkship EU 2013 and a slough of interviews to pour over across the Interwebs. In all of that, they still manage to yuck it up with some discussion about Chad "Pappy" Moore and the WildStar Central thread wherein photoshoppers (and paint-ers) turned his likeness into everything from a green monster to a princess. Plus, new music from Matthew Shine! We might have mentioned something about this Crimson Isle place too... and the pig roast that will make this place a must-visit vacation vista! Some rumored opportunity for mystery and adventure may draw people there too, but it's mostly the pig roast. Bullet list with links after the break.

Arkship EU day 3

ZAM Engine Interview with Lead Software Engineer Steve Moret

ZAM PvP Interview with Jen Gordy

Christopher Behrens Interview

“The Exiles” by Matthew Shine

Chad Moore has a Secret Identity

New Region: Crimson Isle

There certainly was a lot of talk about this week – Hosts Carla, Drew, and Joe had their hands full with the last tidbits from Arkship EU 2013 and a slough of interviews to pour over across the Interwebs. In all of that, they still manage to yuck it up with some discussion about Chad “Pappy” Moore and the WildStar Central thread wherein photoshoppers (and paint-ers) turned his likeness into everything from a green monster to a princess. Plus, new music from Matthew Shine! We might have mentioned something about this Crimson Isle place too… and the pig roast that will make this place a must-visit vacation vista! Some rumored opportunity for mystery and adventure may draw people there too, but it’s mostly the pig roast. Bullet list with links after the break.

Arkship EU day 3

ZAM Engine Interview with Lead Software Engineer Steve Moret

ZAM PvP Interview with Jen Gordy

Christopher Behrens Interview

“The Exiles” by Matthew Shine

Chad Moore has a Secret Identity

New Region: Crimson Isle