1:02- Podcast start & intro CPW Area Wildlife Manager, Matt Thorpe & CPW District Wildlife Manager, Adrian Archuleta.

2:36- Adrian & Matt talk about what they do for Colorado Parks & Wildlife and their background of how they got into parks & wildlife.

11:08- Adrian talks about how he got into the outdoors through his dad & grandpa and how he is now passing that down to kids that he works with. Matt also talks about how he got into the outdoors and what led him down this path.

13:32- The camps CPW offers. Adrian talks about the different camps they help with for the Colorado communities. He talks about the turkey hunting camp they did in Pagosa Springs, how the camps works and the education they are providing to children to get them in the outdoors.

18:21- Matt & Adrian talk about some of the difficulties they face on a day to day basis and the variety of things they deal with in their jobs being 1/3 law enforcement, 1/3 wildlife management & biology and 1/3 education & customer service.

23:32- The Bear Study. Adrian & Matt talk about why the bear study began and the different things they were hoping to learn with the study.

27:48- Where the study was done in Colorado. They talk about the different locations the study was done in over the last 5-6 years and what the have learned from the study.

36:20- Being a home owner & encountering bears. What people need to do as far as property owners and dealing with bears.

41:34- Matt & Adrian talk about some other things people need to do to be mindful of bears so we can coexist in the outdoors together. They talk about the importance of educating people and having each person make a community effort.

45:53- Hunters. Adrian & Matt talk about how this study effects hunting bears in Colorado and the different things you need to know when hunting bears in Colorado.

51:25- Long term. They talk about what CPW has learned for the future and what they are continuing to do.

54:34- Resources & education. They talk about the different resources & education they are providing to the community to be mindful of bears & where to go for more info to stay safe and keep the bears safe as well.

56:38- Adrian tells his story of dealing with a bear the night before the podcast and how he was able to help a cub that was stuck in a fence. Matt also tells a bear story about getting a call from his wife after someone dropped off a cooler with a bear inside of it at his home.

01:00:51- Wrapping up and final thoughts.