:54- Podcast start. Brandon and Shanley talk a bit about her background of moving to New York for grad school, working at the NYPD, then moving to Colorado to work for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and why she got in to crime scene investigation. - https://bit.ly/2L4x9XV
- http://work.chron.com/become-forensics-agent-16458.html

6:48- Intro Shanley from no limits archery and alpha bow hunting challenge in Denver Colorado and thanks to our sponsors, Initial Ascent and Wilderness Athlete. - https://www.nolimitsarchery.com - https://www.alphabowhunting.com - http://initialascent.com - https://wildernessathlete.com

9:35- Shanley's childhood growing up in Alaska, hunting with her granny and papa fishing with her dad in Valdez, Alaska and then getting into archery later in life. - http://www.valdezalaska.org

14:09- Hunting in Alaska Shanely talks about how different it is then hunting anywhere else they also talk about substance hunting in Alaska and how you can get so many more tags then and other places - http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=subsistence.hunting - https://bit.ly/2IGuFkp

16:24- Shanley's move from Alaska to New York through getting a softball scholarship. She talks about what positions she played, they discuss the fundamentals of softball and what a slapper does. They also talk about Shanley's volleyball background and being all state in high school. - https://www.nsr-inc.com/scouting-news/slapping-softballs-secret-weapon/

20:58- Train to Hunt. Shanley and Brandon talk about competing in Train To Hunt and how it brings the competitive side out of them. Brandon talks about his recent train to hunt in Tucson, AZ and making it into the top 10. - http://www.traintohunt.com

25:48- Shanley's experience at Train To Hunt in Colorado last year and realizing she needed to get a new bow. She also talks about her training for Train To Hunt and needing to keep her mental toughness during competitions. - http://www.traintohunt.com/challenges

32:53- Shanley talks about Train To Hunt nationals last year at Powder Horn, Colorado and making the podium. - http://www.traintohunt.com/results

35:51- How Shanley has done at the Alpha Bowhunting Challenge this year and the train to hunt events she will be competing at this year. - https://www.alphabowhunting.com/alpha-event-info

37:31- What Shanley has coming up for the rest of 2018 including the hunts she has planned and possibly hunting in native Alaska with her sister.

39:37- Wrapping up and Brandon and Shanely's plans for the future with their kids competing in Train To Hunt.