-Growing up with a passion to pursue hunting.

-Melissa’s involvement with pole vaulting growing up.

-Winchester Deadly Passion- how it came about and her background in video production.

-Melissa’s lion hunt backlash, how far it went with threats and the police getting involved and how she was able to overcome it all.

-Staying diversified in today’s media world.

-Some struggles Melissa has faced in the industry.

-The changes Melissa has seen over the years in the industry and if she thinks it is for the better.

-Melissa’s thoughts on crossbow hunting.

-Her favorite episodes and favorite story of calling in a black bear to 18 yards.

-How she finds focus when calling in bears to make the shot.

-Taxidermy and the passion she has for it.


About Melissa Bachman

Melissa Bachman & The Lion Controversy

Winchester Deadly Passion

Predator Calling Black Bears

Melissa Bachman Partners With DSG Outerwear

The American Woman Shooter