6:37- Where the idea for DisabledOutdoorsmenUSA came about & how Sidney got involved.

9:42- Sidney’s disease and why the outdoors & hunting have helped him so much in his journey.

14:15- Make a Difference One Day At a Time. Why this phrase is so important to DisabledOutdoorsmenUSA & some of the struggles Weston has had along the way with starting the organization.

17:07- Collegiate Allies. The other organization Weston started and what types of people he helped through that organization.

19:38- Whitetail hunting in Texas. Sidney’s experience hunting whitetail for the first time in Texas thanks to DisabledOutdoorsmenUSA.

23:57- How Weston’s cousin TJ, who has had muscular dystrophy since birth, inspires Weston everyday, the struggles he goes through, and how he is able to hunt in a wheelchair.

26:39- Sidney’s experience meeting TJ and how he was inspired.

29:40- Weston’s favorite memories from hunting with Sidney and the bass fishing they did.

34:19- The Ranch. Weston talks about the ranch where he brings people to hunt, the different animals that are there and how amazing the fishing is.

37:59- Why Weston chose Sidney to be the first hunter on the ranch for DisabledOutdoorsmenUSA.

42:42- The future of DisabledOutdoorsmenUSA, the clothes donations they are doing and how to support them.


Episode 73: Sidney Smith


MTN Ops Presents “Sid”


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Make A Difference One Day At A Time