-Growing up in the small town of Grangemont, Idaho as an outfitter son, his memories of hunting as a kid and finding confidence through basketball.

-Corey’s drive. Having the mentality to always push for what you want and never giving up until you get there.

-Obstacles. Some of the obstacles he has encounters in his life to get to where he is today.

-Being calm & collected while hunting and how to have patience.

-His background of mechanical engineering, being a general contractor and where he was if his life when he decided to quit his job and pursue Elk 101.

-Elk 101. The day to day operations, some of the team members he has behind him and why it is so important for him to produce high quality content.

-The top 5 characteristics Corey looks for in a hunting partner and some tips for people looking for a good one.

-Co-hosting Elk Talk Podcast with Randy Newberg. How it came about & what he is looking forward to covering on the podcast.


Elk 101 Online Courses

Elk Hunting, The Corey Jacobsen Way

How To Elk Call

Elk Talk Podcast
