Previous Episode: idle hands

So I guess this is happening.  I guess we're going to have to see the remake of EVIL DEAD.  Too many signs have been pointing towards it:

The film is name-checked and pimped in this week's episode of SciFy's Face Off (go J. Anthony!  Final Four: time to bring the big guns!)

Charlie Athanas stirs up the interfacewebs by posting rumors of Army of Darkness 2.

And the good Doctor, our friend and emeritus founding member, has given his stamp of approval from a pre-screening at SXSW.

Read his literate and spoiler-free review here.  Return to this blog often.

Now to convince Grandma and/or Grandpa Morlock to mind the baby evil one and convince Lady Morlock that an afternoon with Deadites but NO BRUCE CAMPBELL is not squandering precious moments of child-less freedom.