Podcast Recorded July 3, 2023

Illuminfti is the co-founder of Anti-social Labs and a core contributor to the NEAR Digital Collective (NDC) Governance Working Group (GWG).

This is a wide ranging, unfiltered, and at times spicy conversation where we cover:

* Illuminfti Journey: from College in US to startup ecosystem in UK
* Crypto Counterculture. 
* Insights into NFTS on NEAR - Post Mortem.
* Complex relationship between Governance, Culture & Economics 
* How to attract and retain the best talent (while keeping grifters and scammers away).
* Compensation - how to align long term incentives?
* NDC Governance Structure Overview: House of Merit, Transparency Commission & Advisory Council.


* I-am-Human - https://near.org/sking.near/widget/IAH.Invite?referrer=wuipod.near
* I-am-Human Docs - https://i-am-human.gitbook.io/i-am-human-docs/
* Governance Working Group - https://near.social/#/mob.near/widget/ProfilePage?accountId=govworkinggroup.near
* NEAR Digital Collective - https://near.org/near/widget/ProfilePage?accountId=neardigitalcollective.near

RC DAO Election Report - https://courageous-camelotia-2ec.notion.site/RC-DAO-Investigation-00ed9f8d80b440bfb6f6fb06af51ca90#16df22ba9d344420867e61337170b948

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Illuminfti - https://twitter.com/illuminfti
AVB - https://twitter.com/AvbNear
NDC - https://twitter.com/neardc
Wuipod - https://twitter.com/wuipod

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