Wide ranging conversation with Ben Kurrek.

Ben is a Software engineer @ Pagoda (prev. NEAR Inc), ex DevRel Engineer @ Pagoda, co-founder @ Keypom, student at University of Waterloo Engineering.

On this wild conversation we cover A LOT including:

Ben's journey into blockchain and NEAR protocol as a total beginner.Reflections on branding, marketing, and memetics. How Keypom is different to SatoriThoughts on Pagoda, BOD, and the role of Dev TelStrategies for attracting top tier devs and buildersUnpacking Keypom: what, how, why this is revolutionary?Secret sauce behind Keypom: unpacking NEAR account model.Rapid fire: use cases and how they can be built using Keypom and more!

Keypom Website - https://keypom.xyz/
Keypom Documentation - https://docs.keypom.xyz/
ETH Denver 2023, Keypom Presentation - https://youtu.be/oHj-GjFi6g4

NEAR Developer DAO - https://near.social/#/mob.near/widget/MyPage?accountId=devgovgigs.near

Follow on Socials
Ben Kurrek - https://twitter.com/ben_kurrek
Matt Lockyer - https://twitter.com/mattdlockyer
AVB - https://twitter.com/AvbNear

Keypom - https://twitter.com/keypomxyz
Pagoda - https://twitter.com/PagodaPlatform 

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