On this episode we get to sit down with Addie Geise, who's recently joined Banyan Collective as Head of Community in December 2022.

On this wide ranging conversation we cover a lot of topics including:

* Addie's journey into crypto - disappointment with healthcare industry and
* Evolution within Crypto - from online casino to a real opportunity for impact
* Human Behavioural Design
* Building a DAO from the ground up - WGMI DAO
* Lessons, frameworks and insights from Communities on Ethereum
* Common problems - anon, trolls, and beyond
* NEAR ecosystem - why?
* Growing the NEAR ecosystem
* and more...!

Resources -

Addie's Personal Webtie - https://dapper-acrylic-e70.notion.site/Adelaide-Giese-b76c1b5bb157405f9ae96d349658c1c2

Settler's Build Web3 Builders Community in NYC - https://www.settlers.build 


WGMI DAO Playbook (RECOMMENDED) - https://docs.wgmi.community/docs/adding-to-wgmi/ 

Metacartel Community Manifesto https://github.com/metacartel/mission/blob/master/community-first-manifesto.md 

Community first manifesto -https://556xdscimlkl5drthreeoc3uhwnbyo32dc56uih75kpy5lpx4r5q.arweave.net/731xyEhi1L6OMzxIRwt0PZocO3oYu-og_-qfjq335Hs 

Slaying Moloch, the god of coordination failure. https://owocki.com/slaying-moloch-god-coordination-failuire/ 

Coordinape ​​https://coordinape.com/ 

NEAR Hacks - https://www.nearhacks.com/banyan 

Follow on Social 

Addie Twitter - https://twitter.com/addigator71

Banyan Collective Twitter - https://twitter.com/BanyanUS 

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