On this amazing conversation Sandi draws from his experience as a three-time startup founder and Big Tech (Google and Facebook) as well as personal experience growing up in Croatia and Yugoslavia to cover many topics such as:

* Mass adoption requires a combination of Technology AND Business Models
* Privacy is the missing component in the tech stack for viable business models. Blockchains must be secure, scalable, affordable AND private.
* Why Privacy matters from a regulatory and business perspective.
* What is the meaning of Trust?
* How can we use web3 technology to fight corruption?
* Focus on User Experience
* Calimero Tech Stack - one-click deployment of customisable private shards
* And much more...!

Mentions & Resources
* Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires - 1996 documentary that tells the story of the birth of the personal computer, with the candid recollections of PC pioneers, like Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
* Cyberpunks Documentary
* The Profit Zone: How Strategic Business Design Will Lead You To Tomorrow's Profit


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