Some of the topics we cover include:

* What is Big Brain Holdings? How to invest and nurture in multiple blockchain ecosystems
* Layer One (L1) Investment Thesis
* What he looks out for on potential investments
* Thoughts on NFT, Onboarding, Growth and more!

References & Resources

 Big Brain HoldingsBlunt DAO - The decentralized autonomous sesh & biggest IRL Web3 onboarding movement of all time. Get onboarded IRL through Proof of Sesh with a confirmed Blunt validator.NEAR Future - GameFi NFT RPG, built natively on Discord, livin in the $NEAR FutureBeeXperience - The HUB of education and recruitment within web3. We provide services to hiring entities, as well as individuals seeking employment.Mara - the High-end NFT on NEARNightly - cutting edge crypto wallet available on NEAR, Solana, AptosMeteor Wallet - The simple and secure wallet to manage your crypto, access DeFi and explore built by NEAR Tinker UnionPagoda - The first-ever Web3 startup platform – building on NEAR ProtocolNEAR Wallet SelectorNEAR Tinker Union - On NEAR, a union of tinkers has formed to tink extraordinary tools and products.JUMP Defi - One-stop platform lowering the barrier of entry to DeFi on NEAR for users and developersVest - A crypto research firm based in New York. Democratizing the landscape through permissionless perpetual futures.

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