Note: We're sorry about the audio quality, folks... but this caller is really good. Stick through it.

Felonius Thunk is a US Army Combat Veteran who now works as a political operative in California, advocating for health care and law enforcement reform. This is our best interview yet.

0:00 Intro feat. Khalil Gibran Muhammad

1:00 Enter Crunch Dog and Larry on Charlottesville
- [email protected]

2:20 Larry fills us in about Fred Trump

5:28 Moment of Silence for Heather Heyer

5:45 Will this mobilize the left? What is violence? What is counter-violence?

8:00 Free Speech is under a MASSIVE stress test right now

13:30 White Supremacy in America: From the White House on down

15:00 Call with Felonius Begins and continues until the end of the first half of the episode

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