The last two podcasts, we have been enjoying a discussion of Black History Month. On first day, we looked at what Black History month actually is and what people can do to recognize and celebrate it. Yes, it is a time for learning and it is also a time for celebration. I love food so I’m celebrating it by making food from my heritage every day this month. And I’ve put the pictures on my Facebook page. I hope that you have seen the Jollof Rice and plantains that I posted.  I hope that you are thinking of more ways to celebrate this great month. Remember, yes, history is very important but you can also commemorate the month through cultural activities (like music, art, or food) or political activities like attending a rally.  One great way to celebrate Black History Month is to celebrate the Black family. Spending time together as a family is a wonderful way to honor the month. You can even remember or set a place for the ancestors.


On the second day, we discussed who founded Black History Month. We noted that Dr. Carter G. Woodson originally started it as Negro History Week in 1926. It did not become a full month celebration until the mid-1970s.  Dr. Woodson was an honored and respected historian and scholar who was unhappy with how Black history was being taught and ignored in schools. His landmark book, The Mis-education of the Negro, should be required reading in every African American home. (It’s also a great read for Black History Month!)



In today’s podcast, we will discuss why Black History Month was important and why it’s still important today.


I think that this point is obvious to anyone who has listened to the first two podcasts about Black History Month.  (If you haven’t heard them, I really hope that you do. They’re not long but there is a lot of great information in them.) Why is Black History Month important? This is an important question to answer because it might NOT be obvious to many people, including African Americans.


Let’s begin this discussion with a quote by Dr. Carter G. Woodson:


 If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated.


Scary, huh? I think that this is a powerful  powerful quote from which to start the discussion. Dr. Woodson talks about the vulnerability of a people who do not know their history.  And it could make African Americans appear to lack value, tradition, and humanity. I think that we have seen some of the results recently as African Americans have been killed and punishment has been lacking. Black lives did not matter to those people.


Dr. Woodson also did not want African Americans to believe that our history consisted solely of slavery.  Certainly, slavery was a part of African American history—and we MUST remember that time and honor those who lived through it and passed their traditions to us-- but there is so much more to Black history than slavery. And this is why Black History Month is important and necessary.


In recent years, Black history is appearing more on the curriculum and that is great. However, it is only a broad view of Black history and only a small view of the contributions made by African Americans.


One distinguished historian (no, he’s not Black but he’s still great), David McCullough, wrote:

For a free, self-governing people, something more than a vague familiarity of history is essential if we want to hold on to, and maintain, our freedom.


Dr. McCullough’s statement is a  “mantra” for African Americans and the study of African American history. And Black History Month is the right time to pierce the superficial veil of history and get to its heart and spirit.


In short, we need Black History Month to remind us of the great people before us, on whose backs we climb, whose vision we follow, and whose work, toil, and suffering have changed this country and the world.


         Do you know who Benjamin Banneker is?

         Do you know which courageous Black woman fought against lynching?

         Have you ever heard the Negro National Anthem?


These are some questions to consider during Black History Month. And there are so many others!


Black History Month is important because it allows all people to pause and remember the important contributions of African Americans–and to celebrate the Black experience (and it’s a great and rich experience) throughout the world.

Remember the quote from Dr. Woodson:


Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished lose the inspiration that comes from the teaching of biography and history. ~ Dr. Carter G. Woodson 



We need the record. We must have that record. For ourselves and our children. We need it for our people. For our survival. And remember that we are still making history. History is not just about the past (remember that no one has ever lived in the past), it is about the present. We are caught up in the living moment and making history again for ourselves, our children, our people and the world.


So, I hope that you enjoyed this podcast about the continuing need for Black History Month.  I really enjoyed researching it and presenting it to you. I hope that you will remember, study, and celebrate Black History month.


Please remember to visit  I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas about Black History Month and what you are doing to celebrate this exciting month. As I said, one thing that I’m doing is making food from my heritage every day this month. I have posted pictures of my dishes on my Facebook page at Robin Lofton and Remembering History. I have also tweeted them. You can follow Waikoloarobin to see these dishes every day.


Finally, I want to remind you that for every one who listens to this podcast and every podcast this month, I will donate $1 to, which is an online encyclopedia of African American history. It is a great resource so I hope that you also visit it and contribute to it. Remember, And don’t forget We are a great community here and everyone is welcome. Every day.


See you next time at where we remember history and we make it!



Black History Month is here…get ready to be impressed!