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In this episode, Gaby, Andreina, and a special guest, discuss the beloved 2005 Joe Wright adaptation of Pride and Prejudice.

One of the most popular adaptions of the novel by Jane Austen, the film remains surprisingly fresh after almost 20 years since it was released. Gaby, Andreina and their guest discuss the movie timelessness, the remarkable cast, and many other fun detours along the way.

***Spoiler alert! While reviewing this film we go through key scenes and may reveal the ending, so be warned of spoilers!***
Links and sources:

Short interview with Keyra Knightley

Behind the Scenes 

Pride & Prejudice BTS - The Politics of 18th Century Dating (2005)

The Cast

Manic Pixie Girl Trope

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog

Karolina Żebrowska: I watched every version of "Pride and Prejudice" so you don't have to