As a kid, I remember watching episodes of Star Trek and seeing them communicate via video and thinking whoa that’s wild, it’s almost like magic.
Fast forward 30 years later and millions if not billions of people around the world have the technology and connection to make a FaceTime or video chat with little to no effort.
The younger me saw Star Trek’s video chats as other worldly or so far in the future that it was tough to comprehend. Keep in mind, the younger me had never seen a smartphone or laptop, been on the internet and was still using a landline rotary phone.
If we look back at the history of technological evolution, the only difference between what we deem to be magic and later understand as tech is time. It’s this similar sentiment that is shared by this episode’s guest, Andy Bryant, when it comes to artificial intelligence or AI.
Andy has been fascinated by and engaging with AI for years now and within my professional and personal circle of technologists and futurists, he’s one of the most well spoken about AI and how we, as a society, should thoughtfully consider how this new tech will play a role in our daily lives.
To contact Andy, please find him on LinkedIn -
To read the TIME article we reference throughout the episode, click here -

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