In the previous episode, Sean and Benjamin talked about what it means to be a community of interpretation. In this episode they talk about how that often means a community that shares stories. They also share some stories, from college football upsets to being swarmed by "gigantic" lizards.

You can watch Texas Tech upset Texas here. If you look close you can see Ben rushing the field at the end.

Sean's encounter with "Bearded Dragons" is worth a read.

Marsh Chapel at Boston University

You can look through some of the Egypt exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.

This is an excellent resource on theologian Paul Tillich.

Here are some tips from Sean on reigniting your spiritual life.

Thank you to Rob Mathes for letting us use his song "Wake up Wide-Eyed" off the albumWheelbarrow for our intro and outro. Find more of his work and buy his music on his website.