Theologian and philosopher Thomas Jay Oord joins Sean and Ben during this final week of Advent to talk about God's uncontrolling love. God is not limited by external factors or by choice. It is God's essential nature as loving to not control us or the world. 

Thomas Jay Oord is a professor of theology and philosophy at Northwest Nazarene University

His latest book is The Uncontrolling Love of God: An Open and Relational Account of Providence. You can find a free version of it as an audiobook broken into chapters on Ben's personal podcast project Theonerd.

More of Tom's writing, as well as some amazing nature photography, can be found on his personal website.

Thank you to Rob Mathes for letting us use his song "Wake up Wide-Eyed" off the album Wheelbarrow for our intro and outro. Find more of his work and buy his music on his website.