NOTE: The format and style of the show was VERY different back at the start! We still think you'll enjoy it though.

In this paranormal-themed episode, Cian sits by the fire with a strong coffee and tries to get to grip with a bizarre and little-known phenomenon. (NOTE: this episode was recorded under the original podcast title Off The Wagon.)

BRITISH BIGFOOT: Did you even know this was a thing? Not content with being master of the forests of the Pacific Northwest, Bigfoot has been reported many times in the UK. But is this really the Bigfoot we know and love? Cian takes you through some of the reports, dives into the community of believers, and tries to figure out just how the Bigfoot in Blighty seems to be different from his American cousin. One of the strangest of all paranormal subcultures is examined.

CENTRAL ONTARIO SIGHTING: A personal anecdote, in which your host reveals the one time he kinda maybe saw something mysterious in the forests of Central Ontario. Or at least got himself all spooked out by wandering in the woods listening to paranormal podcasts. Maybe you can do the same!

THE WASHINGTON SOUND MAP: A short fictional piece. Claire from Wicklow writes in to tell of her encounter with strange creatures in the vast forests of Washington. Hiking with a broken ankle through the American wilderness, she comes across a truck driven by two locals who have something mysterious in the back, and it ain't a keg of beer …


Vice: On The Trail Of The British Bigfoot

Mysterious Universe: UK's Bigfoot

British Bigfoot Sighting Reports