Things are getting about as festive as they ever do in the Wide Atlantic Weird cabin: the forest around is bare, and the fire is roaring. It’s the right time for some ghost stories, so Cian is joined by Faye from the Youtube show The Ghost Trail. They brew a batch of Columbian coffee and get comfortable. The Ghost Trail is all about visiting spooky locations and telling ghost stories, so it’s an ideal time to talk about it!

Cian and Faye discuss the making of the series, as well as the state of paranormal shows in general (they agree that there’s a lot of bad ones out there). They get around to talking about the ‘recording’ theory of ghosts, infrasound, spontaneous human combustion, the ‘third man’ theory, time slips, crisis apparitions, and many other topics. In fact, it’s a veritable seasonal feast of paranormal subjects. WWW hasn’t touched too much on ghosts so far so this is a good place to get started!


The Ghost Trail Series

Faye's Books

Rain Sound Effect - Free Sound Library

VCR Sound Effect Some Sounds