Take THAT, Bembridge scholars! Cian is delighted to welcome Lauren the Gothic Bookworm to the cabin for an awesome chat about all things Mummy, curses, and of course, Victorian Gothic! So many of our favourite writers, books, historical topics and more appear, including but not limited to:

-the mummy in comparison to other 'classic' monsters

-The Victorian/Edwardian fascination with Egypt and mummies; colonialism & orientalism

-Victorian 'invasion' literature

-early Victorian mummy fiction

-Arthur Conan Doyle's mummy & curse stories

-HR Haggard's mummy and Egypt in his fiction

-The British Museum unlucky mummycase

-Favourite mummy movies, including the 1959 and 1999 mummies

Buy Me A Coffee


Gothic Bookworm


Mummy Mania Mondays


The Anatomy Shelf


The Mummy’s Curse, Roger Luckhurst


Other sources:

Nicky Nielsen: Egyptomaniacs

Bob Brier: Egyptomania & Mummies

Jasmine Day: Mummymania