Everyone loves a secret! What makes some women succeed in business and others fail? How big of a part does mindset really play in the overall scheme of things? What is holding you back?

Join host Constance M. Drew as she delves deep beyond the mic to get down to the soul of the Wickedly Wise Women Entrepreneurs. Explore how these women got to be where they are and how you can join their ranks!

Weekly Podcast filled with tips and tricks of those who have gone before you and shine the light for you to follow your own path of success, purpose and prosperity!

Connect with the Show and DM a Voice or text Message: Instagram @brandherbrilliance.com
Clubhouse Club: Fem Ceo/ClubPod Leader
 Podcast Magazine: Science Category Director
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"I help content creators quickly launch a podcast to be seen and heard without faking it till they make it!" ~Constance