After a devastating decision to keep the power plant open until 2019 and refueling it at a cost of $70 million we have a reprieve!  Recently an inspection report was leaked to the CapeDownwinders indicating that after an inspection process, there were a number of problems with the plant's operation.  My previous guest, Diane Turco, was the recipient of this email and one wonders if it was leaked "on purpose".  We'll explore what caused this latest hullabaloo

About The Host: Roxanne Pappas is the Host of Wicked Green Energy, a show, dedicated to educating individuals about cutting edge green choices for the sustainability of our planet. She is also, an Independent Associate with Viridian Energy, a company that provides power from solar, wind and water generated here is the US,  directly to you, right now. Help Roxanne reduce our dependence on foreign oil and get in touch with her today!