I'm back again after a long hiatus to bring you some GREEN news.  But to start off, this Monday's episode will just highlight some of the important goings on on which I will elaborate in future episodes.

Some of the things you'll hear about are:

Children suing their state governments and WINNING!

Should we be worried about hydropower?

What do tomatoes and solar panels have in common?

And a host of other tidbits.  So listen in!


About The Host: Roxanne Pappas is the Host of Wicked Green Energy, a show, dedicated to educating individuals about cutting edge green choices for the sustainability of our planet. She is also, an Independent Associate with Viridian Energy, a company that provides power from solar, wind and water generated here im the US,  directly to you, right now. With minimal effort you can help Roxanne reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and save out planet for future generations.  Get in touch with her today!