Join Shell Zenner for this month's podcast; a SXSW special! Interviews with Theo Verney, Girlpool + Peaking Lights plus tracks from Cate Le Bon, Brolin, Cheatahs, Sky Larkin and more!


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Cate Le Bon - Puts Me To Work 

How Theo Verney Met Wichita Recordings 

Theo Verney - Mountain Rose 

Cheatahs - Campus 

Fidlar - If It Makes You Happy (Sheryl Crow cover) 

Slow Club - Not Mine To Love 

Girlpool's Favourite Wichita Artists 

Girlpool - Ideal World 

Sky Larkin - Overgrown 

Peaking Lights Interview part 1 

Peaking Lights - Tell Me Your Song 

Peaking Lights Interview Part 2 

Brolin - Lost n free 

Where Are You Wichita? 

Total Babes - Circling’ // //

Twitter Mentions