Yours truly worked for 2 Branches in 13 years at Bank of America, and he's seen his bank leave his hometown three times! (Huh?)

Bank of America announces the closure of the machines that were so popular and successful according to them in my hometown of Las Cruces, NM. 

Learn how I predicted that my clients would be fed the lies of "alternative ways of banking" taking over. How about a discussion of an abandonment of thousands of customers in a college town where it is 80% Hispanic and 50% in poverty? I have it here...with a heavy heart and a loud mouth

Plus... Brian Moynihan on Fox! How does the most hated Bank CEO end up on the most polarizing network, and STILL manage to piss off right wing conservatives? You will find out when he is asked about his immigration stance. We break down audio from the interview. A fascinating interview that caught the timid Moynihan off guard. Maria Bartiromo takes on Mr. BofA



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