In-depth Insights from Vince D'Addona: Celebrating his 44th year in the business, Vince D'Addona, a leading financial and insurance advisor, shares his extensive knowledge and experience in high wealth estate planning. Vince discusses the nuances of building a practice centered around wealth protection and transition, with a particular focus on exit planning for business owners.

The Art of Exit Planning: Discover the strategic and multidisciplinary approach to exit planning as Vince and John Brown explore real-world scenarios and the importance of preparing for 'gray swan' events. Learn how Vince's shift from traditional financial advising to comprehensive exit planning has enhanced client relationships and business outcomes.

Beyond the Numbers: This episode highlights the human side of exit planning. Vince emphasizes the significance of aligning the exit process with personal goals, preserving community legacies, and ensuring employee well-being. Hear about the transformative impact of considering aspirational and values-based goals in the exit planning process.