Next Episode: 234 | Poisoned

Did you ever think about that "burying" means when it comes to the dead? Although many creatures might end up in the dirt, humans seem to be the only ones who do it intentionally. The first evidence of "burials" took place in a cave. You might not also think about how much is wasted in modern funeral practices. Caskets, tombstones, cremation, burial plots, and formaldehyde are horrific for the environment. There, joy destroyed. Happy Halloween!

Links:,to%20the%20cycle%20of%20life. (Description of burials) (Cultural burial practices) (Description of sky burials) (Problems with modern burial practices) (History of burials video)

Patrick, B. K., & Thompson, J. M. (2015). An uncommon history of common things. (Book, Vol. 1 p. 89)

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