Dr. Laurie Kramer is a licensed clinical psychologist and a professor of applied psychology at Northeastern University. She is the creator of More Fun with Sisters and Brothers program which is a program that teaches 4-8 year old children the key social and emotional competencies that research has shown are critical for fun, friendly, and ... more »

Dr. Laurie Kramer is a licensed clinical psychologist and a professor of applied psychology at Northeastern University. She is the creator of More Fun with Sisters and Brothers program which is a program that teaches 4-8 year old children the key social and emotional competencies that research has shown are critical for fun, friendly, and low conflict sibling interaction. She has some steps that are really simple to work through some of these conflicts.

What we talked about:

4:50- Introduction to Dr. Laurie Kramer’s work 

6:10- Age appropriate arguments

8:15- How we can guide our kids during these times

16:25- How these conflict skills translate into skills in adulthood

19:00- The Sisters and Brothers Program

25:40- The differences based on different family dynamics

28:25- Hope for a family that feels like they have lost control with sibling conflicts

32:45- Expectations to have your sibling’s backs even when there is conflict at home between each other

36:20- Breaking down specific fights and how to handle them

46:35- End of podcast questions

Show notes:

Fun with Sisters and Brothers Program

The Premonition

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