Before he was backing up Lil Nas X and before he was MIley or Hannah’s dad, America fell in love with a bright eyed mullet-headed Billy Ray Cyrus and his song Achy Breaky Heart. We listened to it for a week and have some thoughts. Also in this prepisode music news of the weird, listener emails and we announce next week’s album. In this episode we discuss film production, Brett Easton Ellis, Neil Diamond, attempting divorce, drawings, knuckleless gloves, cultural rituals, electric slide, pool accidents and so much more! | TW: @AlbumHatePod | IG: @hatePod | [email protected]

Episode Outline:

Quick update on the goings on at the world headquarters Discuss our history with the song/band Song discussion - lyrics and music Music Video How the song did worldwide Amazon reviews Listener email (just 2) Music news of the weird Announce next week’s album