This week we take a look at the podcast that might have been with a very special Why I Hate this Movie. What movie is so bad that we had to change the entire format of our show to discuss it? Zack Snyder’s Netflix “original” Rebel Moon - Part 1: A Child of Fire. Relive all your favorite movie scenes from the last 25 years all in one movie and reimagined to appeal exclusively to angsty teens! In this episode we discuss haircuts, secret movies, A Clockwork Orange, Raider fans, Gwar, poor choices, giant birds, scars, slowmo, Face Off, refusing to wear shirts, robots, blushing, poor choices, the art of seduction and so much more! | TW: @AlbumHatePod | IG: @hatePod | [email protected] 

Episode Outline:

Top of the show "Do you hate it?" Personal History History of Director  Movie Walkthrough How Did it Do Reviews Post Episode "Do you hate it?"