This week we decided to focus on a more recent release, really get in touch with modern music. So we of course chose Smokey Robinson and his truly insane and amazing album Gasms, released April 28, 2023. Just to be clear, that is not a typo. The album is titled and exclusively centered on Smokey’s Gasms! In this episode we discuss the art of seduction, good advice, cousins, Tim Meadows, gasms, Frasier, balding, Frankenstein, lawsuits, and so much more! | TW: @AlbumHatePod | IG: @hatePod | [email protected] 

Episode Outline:

Top of the show "Do you hate it?" Personal History History of Artist  General Thoughts  Song by Song - What do they mean!?! How Did it Do Reviews Post Episode "Do you hate it?"