Loren Brill was a young college graduate working as a yoga instructor when her world was turned upside down: she had cancer, Hodgkin's Lymphoma to be exact. After the shock wore off, she sprung to action, determined to take better care of her body through food. She began to cut processed sugars, hydrogenated oils and common allergens from her diet -- but found she was unable to satisfy her sweet tooth with commercially available cookies and cookie dough. So why not make her own? After long hours testing batches and batches of cookies, Loren perfected her own recipe of vegan, gluten / nut / dairy free, whole grain cookies and presented it to Whole Foods. Now, Sweet Loren's ready to bake cookies and edible cookie dough is carried by most grocery retailers across the country. Join us as we hear Loren's inspiring story taking charge of her life, navigating the complicated world of grocery and how she keeps balanced in the hectic world of today.

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