Hey folks! Last time we had a very Special Two Part Episode when we casted the Pods. So, this time to give an additional treat I recorded a Brand New episode on my own!

Since we have moved into our new place we haven't had a ton of time to record new episodes and that sucks. So while I was waiting to go into work I decided to record one in the style of The Matthew Danko Podcast (Don't Call It That!) a show I used to do on my own where I would bullshit for 2 hours about virtually (and digitally) nothing.

This episode is a lot like that however I sink into a session of Fallout Shelter and Arkham Knight and see what comes of it.

Like it or don't it still counts!

Download and listen to this brand new episode wherever you get podcasts!

Music: http://www.hooksounds.com

Composed by: Alvaro Angeloro

Lyrics by: TheDoctorDanko