Hello Film Feasters! It is officially 2023 and Feasts of Film is starting off the year by celebrating the Films from 2022 that We Want to Share with You! For the month of January each of our hosts will be picking one Film they saw in 2022 that they loved and think you should give a watch!

Have your tickets read and prepare to board because for our final film we are watching Bullet Train, an action packed thrill ride chosen by Colton and first time guest on the podcast Austin! This film made quite the impact on our hosts but what was so thrilling about this train ride? Listen in to find out!

Ladybug is a hired thief who is trying to get a briefcase for his client but when he steals the briefcase from assassins Lemon and Tangerine he feels pretty unlucky, especially when he comes across The Hornet another assassin after the briefcase. Meanwhile The Prince is anything but, she is a young woman who plans to use The Father to help her kill the most dangerous crime boss in all of Japan, The White Death. Who will succeed in their mission and will anyone make it off this Bullet Train alive?

Make sure to leave us a review and let us know what you think! Also feel free to contact us with any films you want us to watch in the future!

Contact us:

[email protected]

Social Media:

Twitter: Twitter.com/feastsoffilm


Colton - https://www.instagram.com/feeltheburse4ever


Intro, Outro, and Transitions: Here It Comes - TrackTribe

Website: https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCagoHrjoR13vwvJ9xtYlljA/music

Background Music: Game Show - Silent Partner

Website:  https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCagoHrjoR13vwvJ9xtYlljA/music

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