Previous Episode: Mike Kroeger / NICKELBACK
Next Episode: Justin Sane / ANTI-FLAG

Earlier this year, Manowar made headlines when they surprised their fans by going on stage as an undercover tribute band called "The Lords of Steel". In our exklusive ROCK ANTENNE Interview Manowar mastermind Joey DeMaio explains why the band decided to perform like that and what all of this has to do with the perfect show.

He also has something to say about internet trolls who complain that the latest Manowar music isn't new, and tells us what to expect of the upcoming tour next year. Enjoy!

Talking about creating the perfect setlist and trolls on the internet

Earlier this year, Manowar made headlines when they surprised their fans by going on stage as an undercover tribute band called "The Lords of Steel". In our exklusive ROCK ANTENNE Interview Manowar mastermind Joey DeMaio explains why the band decided to perform like that and what all of this has to do with the perfect show.

He also has something to say about internet trolls who complain that the latest Manowar music isn't new, and tells us what to expect of the upcoming tour next year. Enjoy!


Whole Lotta Talk - Interviews that rock!
At ROCK ANTENNE, Germany's original Rock radio station, we don't only bring the best Rock music to you - we also care about the stories behind! In this podcast, we talk to international rockstars about what goes on with them. Subscribe to our podcast to stay up to date and keep rockin'!