Are you stuck in a “job”, under-appreciated and under-employed?

That is the unfortunate situation that many veterans find when they leave military service.

My guest on this podcast of MAKE MORE MONEY BY GIVING BETTER PRESENTATIONS is changing that, with coaching and life-long support that allows veterans to transition into life-changing careers.

You also can apply her lessons to help you to become more successful.

Michele McManamon is Co-Founder and Executive Director of Operation New Uniform (ONU), a non-profit organization that prepares veterans to wear a “new uniform” in the civilian corporate world, and supports them in their pursuit of their professional goals. ONU boasts a 97% success rate among the students who completed the program. To learn more, visit their web site, .

Some of the important advice that Michele shares in this podcast includes:

How can you ADD VALUE?
•Relate to your audience as adults, equals; use first names over titles
•When communicating, “It’s Not About You”; adapt to your audience’s needs
•Know the results you have achieved, you can achieve

•Communicate in the audience’s “language” (learn their acronyms, jargon, terms)
•For interviews and presentations, PRACTICE – PRACTICE – PRACTICE
•Stop talking, listen more, ask questions
•Prepare STAR Stories: Situation, Task, Actions, Results

How can you MAKE MORE MONEY?
•Preparation and better communications lead to better pay and positions
•Sell yourself, your results (take personal credit)
•It’s Okay To Fail
•Your attitude toward money is tied to your “programming”
•You have the power over the money; negotiate to earn your true value

I encourage you to SUPPORT Operation New Uniform. ONU is making a difference to many veterans, to help them find careers, not just “jobs”. Some of these could be your future clients/customers. CLICK HERE

Michele has a special offer just for you. When you become a Loyalty Brigade Program Sponsor (for only $20 per month), you will receive an ONU Polo Shirt in your choice of colors.

If you prefer smaller, one-time donations, you will still receive a special gift from ONU. AND you will know that you are helping veterans to achieve successful careers in the corporate world.

I want to help you to give better presentations. I want to help you make more money by giving better presentations.


Fred Haley
[email protected]