Would you like to make 50% more money?

My guest on today’s podcast will help you to achieve the Next Level of Success, by improving your leadership skills and your communications skills.

As an Executive Director of The John Maxwell Team, Mark Missigman is a Leadership and DISC Expert, Founder and CEO of Mark Missigman Enterprises. As Mark will explain, DISC is a personality test that helps you to determine your communication style, so that you can gain more sales, and lead your team more effectively.

Mark also describes why you will benefit by creating and telling your own stories. As he says, “Touch a heart before you ask for a hand.”

Mark’s experience includes 20 years in the Navy, where he cultivated his leadership skills. After retiring, he continued to serve his country as a consultant, where he grew his business line from one employee and $100,000 in revenue to ten employees and $2.2 million dollars.

Some of the important advice that Mark shares in this podcast includes:

How can you ADD VALUE?
•The personality of your audience determines your communications approach
•After presentations, ask self what lessons you learned
•Practice good stories
•Believe in yourself

•Tell stories that create pictures
•Talk about something that audience cares about
•Understand the communication style of the person you are talking with
•On stage, talk as if you are having a conversation with one person

How can you MAKE MORE MONEY?
•At events, at end of presentations, promote yourself
•You can make 50% more money by becoming a better speaker
•Touch heart before you ask for a hand

To help you to create better stories, Mark is offering for FREE his STORY COURSE, which is the first lesson of his 26-week Speaker’s Club program. Simply visit this link on his website, (https://mark-missigman.mykajabi.com/Storycourse).

I want to help you to give better presentations. I want to help you make more money by giving better presentations.


Fred Haley