On Tuesday May 21st, we welcome  Benjamin Azevedo, M.D.. from New Orleans Bow Ties to our show.  Ben just recently graduated from Tulane University in New Orleans and will be heading to San Diego to start his residency program later this summer.
Ben has always resonated with the idea that there are two sides to the brain; the left being in charge of linear analytical thinking and focuses, ordered, logical execution while the right is more expansive, creative, and boundless.  During his first year in medical school, Ben realized that he was letting his left brain take control of his life and strip it of the art and music and imagination that his family had fostered throughout his life. He put a conscious effort into letting go of his stress and thrust himself into the exploration of what his right brain had to offer. 
Ben first began to cook, to draw, to exercise more and to get out into nature.  Then the idea came of creating beautiful bow ties which has became a conversational piece in his work, while allowing his right brain to explore!
On today's show, Ben will demonstrate to us the importance of having equal balance in our lives so that we can all 'Be A Healthy Caregiver'