Are you ready for your role when you bring your loved one to the doctor (or hospital)?

It is hard. The medical staff look to you to be the voice, to answer their questions, and to make the critical decisions. You feel overwhelmed, and feel like you are invading on someone else’s personal issues. But when you are prepared, you can help optimize the care they receive.

This is even a formidable task for a physician who is also a caregiver. So, who better to give advice that will help you (and me)?

In this podcast, Toula’s guest, Dr. Oscar Rodriguez, is a passionate educator and innovator, who became frustrated by the ever-growing gaps in formal healthcare he experienced as a physician, patient and while caring for his mother through two hip surgeries, knee replacement and heart attack. He is someone you will want to hear.

Dr. Rodriguez co-founded Care|Mind® an award-winning Smart Phone APP that helps caregivers like you to monitor the activity, medications and vital information of their loved ones so that they can then share this with healthcare providers. Imagine how helpful this will be to optimize the care they receive. (To Learn More, go to:

As a caregiver, YOU play a critical role in the healthcare system. Dr. Rodriguez and Toula want to help you to be prepared to be an effective advocate for the best care for your loved one.


Toula Wootan