Welcome to Season 8, Episode 21 of Healing Ties 2.0, 30 podcasts in 30 days celebrating National Family Caregivers month featured on the Whole Care Network. In this episode it is a pleasure to welcome the Executive Director of the Tennessee Respite Coalition, Dr. Megan Schwalm!
The Tennessee Respite Coalition provides respite services to caregivers across the entire state of Tennessee. This important state-wide agency strives to provide caregivers with the tools to care for themselves so that they can better care for their loved one. "You can't pour from an empty cup." Additionally, One of Dr. Schwalm’s core values as a leader is providing support for her staff in their own wellness journey.
Listen in and learn how Dr. Schwalm and the entire staff at the Tennessee Respite Coalition are creating Healing Ties all around us!