We're back with another commentary track! On the 37th episode of the WhoDatJedi podcast, your hosts -- Aaron Svoboda (@Aaron_Svoboda), Alfredo Narvaez (@NOLA_Fredo) and David Gladow (@davegladow) -- tackle "The Last Jedi" with a live, running commentary track of the movie (because everyone loves the people who talk through the whole movie). They look at why the movie is so divisive for fans, speaking to such issues as its humor, the visual stylings, the story elements, and the deeper themes. Is this the most challenging Star Wars movie? The most feminist? And does it do Luke Skywalker dirty? Sync up with the movie or listen without ... but either way, enjoy!

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Read more of Fredo's musings here.

Read more of Dave's musings here.

Song credit: Far, Far Away (Star Wars Jazz), by the Swamp Donkeys
Visit their website for more of their music!


Related: The Last Jedi retrospective: Why we're still here
Related: The Last Jedi on IMDB.com
Related: Knives Out as deconstruction of the murder mystery

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