Next Episode: Shay Rowbottom Part 2

In this episode, we invite Shay Rowbottom. Known as the "Queen of LinkedIn, Shay built a million-dollar business through organic video on LinkedIn. She never paid for one single ad & was voted Forbes #1 business influencer of the year in 2020. Currently, she works with owners & organizations to turn their LinkedIn pages into lead hoses that generate more inbound leads, and massive revenue for their business.

What you will learn:

•Shay’s story of starting with Facebook
•Her transitioning from Facebook to LinkedIn
•Her self-doubts and worries during the transition
•Going through pain and discomfort
•What kind of videos to make as a jobseeker
•Embracing other people’s perspectives on social media
•Creating content and being a thought leader in your industry

Mic Drop Moments:

🎤 Shay 09:14 - I would imagine I’m making more money than them now and it’s a 100% mine.

🎤 Foster 09:38 - The major thing that I heard Shay say was passion and we all know that’s Trevor’s word.

🎤 Shay 11:28 - Helping people. What can you do to help people?

Get in touch with Shay

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