Next Episode: Shay Rowbottom Part 2

In this episode, we invite Shay Rowbottom. Known as the "Queen of LinkedIn, Shay built a million-dollar business through organic video on LinkedIn. She never paid for one single ad & was voted Forbes #1 business influencer of the year in 2020. Currently, she works with owners & organizations to turn their LinkedIn pages into lead hoses that generate more inbound leads, and massive revenue for their business.

What you will learn:

- Shay’s story of getting started with Facebook

- Her transitioning from Facebook to LinkedIn

- Her self-doubts and worries during the transition

- Going through pain and discomfort to grow

- What kind of videos to make as a jobseeker

- Embracing other’s perspectives on social media

- How to become a thought leader in your industry

- What you know, or who you know

- How to get the attention of recruiters and hiring managers

- The power of asking what you need

- The best way to structure your LinkedIn headline

Mic Drop Moments

🎤 Shay at (08:42) - I wouldn’t have imagined I’m making more money than them now and it’s 100% mine.

🎤 Shay at (10:00) - Helping people. What can you do to help people?

🎤 Shay at (17:40) - You can’t climb uphill with a bag of bitter rocks on your back. You got to at some point let that go.

🎤 Mark at (24:32) - I’m gonna drop a mic for Trevor.

🎤 Shay at (29:58) - Everything happens for a reason. The hardships are to help us grow and learn. And even in the darkest of dark times when it feels like there is no hope, and you’re alone, believe it or not, God is with you and you are going through that to learn something. So keep the faith.

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Separately and independently from the WYK Show, Trevor Houston and Mark Elder are licensed financial professionals offering insurance and financial products through various carriers. For more info, visit 👉