This time on WHO TRUE FREAKS, join DiManzicorp SUPERSTARS Joe Anthrax, Hope Mullinax, Andrew Leyland, The Hair Metal Hero! They are joined by Dave Walker from the Flash Legacies podcast in his first appearance in a DiManzicorp podcast! This timey- wimey, the Freaks will be working out “PARTNERS IN CRIME” [...]

This time on WHO TRUE FREAKS, join DiManzicorp SUPERSTARS Joe Anthrax, Hope Mullinax, Andrew Leyland, The Hair Metal Hero! They are joined by Dave Walker from the Flash Legacies podcast in his first appearance in a DiManzicorp podcast!

This timey- wimey, the Freaks will be working out “PARTNERS IN CRIME” a fourth season story concerning SENTIENT FAT CELLS! I know, I know – THAT OLD STORY AGAIN! But this time there is a new twist on the OLD SENTIENT FAT CELL STORY! Listen NOW!