Join Hope Mullinax, Shawn Engel and The Irredeemable Shag as they explore ALL aspects of Dr. Who fandom – from the old timer fandom of grumpy Grandpa Shag to the young, fresh and sassy Who fans like Hope Mullinax! Follow the rise of Dr, Who fandom from a few, pimply [...]

Join Hope Mullinax, Shawn Engel and The Irredeemable Shag as they explore ALL aspects of Dr. Who fandom – from the old timer fandom of grumpy Grandpa Shag to the young, fresh and sassy Who fans like Hope Mullinax! Follow the rise of Dr, Who fandom from a few, pimply faced PBS viewing nerds to the international phenomenon it is today. It’s two hours, but that’s not accounting for the time dilation effects of the Who True Freaks show!