Welcome to a very special supplementary episode of Who True Freaks, where hosts Stephen Lacey (The Fantasticast) and The Irredeemable Shag (The Fire And Water Podcast) discuss the eighth doctor in more detail than you can possibly imagine. You’ll hear them cover the comics, the books and the audio dramas [...]

Welcome to a very special supplementary episode of Who True Freaks, where hosts Stephen Lacey (The Fantasticast) and The Irredeemable Shag (The Fire And Water Podcast) discuss the eighth doctor in more detail than you can possibly imagine. You’ll hear them cover the comics, the books and the audio dramas from Big Finish Audio. You’ll hear them discuss favorite stories and favorite companions. You’ll hear about some of the zaniness that went on during this time (a shape-shifting penguin and a living TARDIS as a companion) as well as some of the interesting coincidences that occured before the 2005 reboot (a time war that resulted in the destruction of Gallfrey…sound familiar?) So get ready to spend over two hours with two FREAKS who know their Who!