Where can you find corporate machinations, politcal intrigue, and villains in black and white gimp masks? Why on the latest episode of WHO TRUE FREAKS! This time out, hosts Shawn Engel, The Irredeemable Shag, and W. Blaine Dowler are covering another Peter Davison classic episode, THE CAVES OF ANDROZANI, where [...]

Where can you find corporate machinations, politcal intrigue, and villains in black and white gimp masks? Why on the latest episode of WHO TRUE FREAKS! This time out, hosts Shawn Engel, The Irredeemable Shag, and W. Blaine Dowler are covering another Peter Davison classic episode, THE CAVES OF ANDROZANI, where the Doctor and Peri (and Peri’s very distracing…”attributes”) show up on a war torn mining planet and get caught in the crossfire of the military who is trying to subdue a rebel faction that has control over the life extending drug, Spectrox. But this time out the Doctor is somehwat sidelined as he spends most of the episode trying to save himself and Peri from Spectrox poisoning rather than righting the wrongs on the planet. Plus we finally discover just what the heck that celery stalk on the Doctor’s lapel was all about, and we get our first glimpse at the Colin Baker iteration of the Doctor (so Thomas Deja should be excited). So spend your weekend enjoying the Freaks talk about one of the highest regarded episodes of Doctor Who…right here on WHO TRUE FREAKS!