Sourav Sengupta is an Indian Poet, an architect by training and a human resources manager by profession. He lives in Kolkata.

Author of Aśoka at Dhauli, a metered treasure in 12 stanzas which narrates a seminal moment in the Asian subcontinent history, Sourav Sengupta will be the Apotheosis of our fifth issue in spring 2023. 

In this last season’s episode, we discuss his wonderful poem Ashoka at Dhauli, great books about poetry by Stephen Fry and James Feton, the levels of abstraction every poet and artist need to know, how form follows function in architecture (and that includes poetry), Tagore the polymath, and Krishna who needs no introduction.

Sourav Sengupta in Revue {R}évolution
Read Aśoka at Dhauli

Read this interview [soon]
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